The “Curiosity” Disconnect Between Executives and Employees

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Curiosity is an attribute that helps organizations become high performers in today’s highly disrupted environment. Moreover, a recent Harvard Business Review article stated, “Most of the breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions throughout history, from flints for starting a fire to self-driving cars, have something in common: They are the result of curiosity.”

But new research by INSEAD and SurveyMonkey found that while 83% of the 1,500 executives they surveyed said curiosity was encouraged “a great deal” or “a good amount” at their company, only 52% of 16,000 employees surveyed agreed.

Why does this major disconnect exist? And what can organizations do to help tap employees’ curiosity and creativity to fuel breakthroughs and growth? The researchers identified “identity” as a key influencer of individuals’ curiosity.

Click here to read the Harvard Business Review article that discusses the research.